The largest online hostel-booking platform with over 36,000 properties in 170 countries

Not just for hostels!

Hostelworld has an extensive affiliate network of 3,500 global partners, including Lonely Planet and Travellerspoint


Benefits of connecting Hostelworld via Rentals United


Automatic Sync

Sync rates, availability and minimum stay


Automatic Update

2-Way connection, bookings & cancellations update


Advanced Options

Hostel inventory supported, Markup and more

Hostelworld Hostelworld Hostelworld

Service Features

  • 2-Way connection: a booking or cancellation updates calendars everywhere
  • Handle Hotel/Hostel inventory with multiple room types

Key Info

Category OTA
Service Release Date 1999
Headquarter Location Dublin, IE
N of Rentals United properties connected 7000
Minimum properties required 1
Website Visit now
Pricing model Commission based
Commission 15% of your pricing
What is synced Rates, Availability, Bookings
Onboarding time 1 Week
Minimum requirements Minimum Content Quality required. Contact us for more info

How it Works

  1. Upload your properties to Rentals United. Add them manually or via PMS / API sync. Go to Services and add Hostelworld
  2. Follow the Checklist with detailed instructions to sync properties
  3. Once synced, your rates, calendars, bookings and cancellations will update automatically
  4. Hostelworld will charge their commission as down-payment
  5. Charge guest payments on the provided credit card (available for 10 days)